Amazon Special Edition Jackpot quiz provides you a chance to win ₹10,000 as Amazon Pay Balance. The Special Edition Jackpot Jackpot quiz starts at midnight on 29th August 2024 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on 11th September 2024.
Amazon Special Edition Jackpot Answer
Open the Funzone section in your Amazon app and click on the Jackpot chance to win a rs.10,000 quiz banner.
Tap on the jackpot lever to spin and then Claim your prize!
After this, you will see a question!
Question 1: What kind of animal is an albatross?
- A. Flies
- B. Cat
- C. Bird
- D. Dog
Correct Answer: Bird (c)
Please check the winners on 12th September 2024. You will have a chance to win prizes as per the following
- 1st prize: ₹10,000 as Amazon Pay Balance to 1 winner
- 2nd prize: ₹1000 – 1 winner
- 3rd prize: ₹100 – 10 winners
- 4th prize: ₹50 – 40 winners
- 5th prize: ₹20 – 50 winners
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